Women’s and Children’s Health

Bowen Therapy for women and pregnancy:

With an extensive background in Paediatric nursing and Midwifery, I believe that Bowen Therapy is the perfect complimentary modality to Women’s and Children’s health.

Bowen Therapy is proven to support fertility and conception by regulating the menstrual cycle and enabling a state of well being. It can be used during pregnancy to address discomforts and issues such as back pain / pelvic pain / morning sickness / constipation and headaches.

Prior to labour Bowen Therapy can enable ideal fetal positions in order to avoid difficult or prolonged labour including caesarian sections. It can also promote improved comfort during labour reducing lower back pain and relaxing the pelvic floor.

Post delivery, Bowen Therapy helps with breast feeding issues of supply, comfort and drainage.

Bowen Therapy for Babies / Children:

Bowen therapy can calm stressed babies who may have endured a difficult or prolonged birth, such as a fast birth, induced birth, assisted delivery eg. Vacuum / Forceps delivery. Often these babies have alignment, irritability and/or feeding issues.

Babies: Colic, Unsettledness, Irritability, Poor feeding, Poor sleeping patterns, Torticollis, Plagiocephaly, Constipation and Tongue Tie.

Children / Adolescence: Constipation, Autism, ADHD, Bed wetting, Anxiety, Sleeping issues, Asthma, Eczema, Migraines and Anxiety.


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